Career Advancement Academies

CLP director Naomi Castro awarded policy fellowship

28 Aug 2019

CLP director Naomi Castro was chosen as a fellow in the 2019 cohort of the California Education Policy Fellowship Program.

The fellowship gives participants the opportunity to develop [...]

Toward Equity in Guided Pathways Reforms

Lessons from California’s Career Advancement Academies
The Career Advancement Academies at more than 30 California community colleges offered concrete examples of how to ensure equity for all students, and [...]

Career Advancement Academy Stories: The East Bay

The East Bay Career Advancement Academy (EBCAA) was coordinated by the Peralta Community College District and is a partnership that brings together two community college districts, Peralta Community [...]

Career Advancement Academy stories: Skyline College

From 2015 to 2016, the Career Ladders Project provided technical assistants to Skyline College’s Career Advancement Academies. CLP supported with faculty exchange across CAA sites including site visits and peer [...]

Bringing the Career Advancement Academies to life

CLP conceptualized the CAA framework and worked with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to launch the statewide initiative, which was designed to provide more structured educational experiences for students [...]

California’s Career Advancement Academies

The Career Advancement Academies enabled underserved Californians – including students who were the first in their families to attend college and students from low-income families or communities of color – [...]

Career Advancement Academies

Insights into Contextualized Teaching and Learning
Launched in 2007, the Career Advancement Academies are designed to enable underserved Californians – typically first in their families to attend college, low-income, [...]

New Report Focuses on Contextualized Teaching and Learning

23 Mar 2016

“Career Advancement Academies (CAAs) have been implemented in colleges across several regions of California and have provided a rich testing ground for more structured and integrated approaches to support student [...]