Los Angeles High Impact Information Technology, Entertainment & Entrepreneurship, Communications Hubs (LA HI-TECH)is a consortium of eight community colleges, including Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles [...]
College and Career Pathway Development
Clear pathways to college and career provide critical support for students in their transition into successful careers. Early access and exposure to sector-based pathways supports students in setting goals and [...]
NCCPA Newsletter October 2017 Education Spotlight
Mendocino Lake Adult and Career Education (MLACE) and CLP held a Curriculum to Career Summit in Ukiah on Oct. 6 with the goal of mapping pathways from adult education programs [...]
Strengthening Student Success Presentations – 2017
Presentations from the 2017 Strengthening Student Success conference are now available.
SSSC – CLP Breakout Sessions
Wednesday, October 11
Guided Pathways: A Framework for Integrating College Plans
What is the Economic Value of Community College Degrees and Certificates?
In a blog article recently posted to PACE’s website, CLP’s Director of Research Mina Dadgar synthesized her recent study conducted in collaboration with Madeline Joy Trimble of Columbia University. By analyzing [...]
Crossing Boundaries to Develop Effective Pathways
A regional effort underway in the East Bay-the Design It, Build It, Ship It (DBS) Initiative-is developing new and innovative pathways at 10 San Francisco Bay community colleges. IMPAQ International and [...]
Berkeley City College Introduces High School Students to Careers in Game Design
Mary Clarke-Miller, the Game Design instructor, and a couple of her students went over the details of their projects. Two of her students came to class to work on programming. [...]
College to Career Pathways
Getting From Here to There on the Roadmap for a Stronger California Economy
The Board of Governors Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy is charged [...]