Contextualized Teaching and Learning

Linking After-School Employment with Careers

Following the passage of Proposition 49, California made a major commitment to after-school programming; and the availability of After School Education and Safety (ASES) funds led to a surge in [...]

Adult education and contextualized teaching

When Adult Education Block Grants were created in 2013, Career Ladders Project began working with a number of regional consortia across California, supporting their research and  strategic planning and then assisting [...]

CLP Case Study: Opening Doors to the Tech Industry

28 Jun 2018

Work-based learning is a key strategy for increasing student success, particularly for historically underserved student groups. But it can be hard for educators and employers to find each other and [...]

Dual Enrollment Toolkit

A resource for secondary school and community college partners, the Dual Enrollment Toolkit highlights promising practices for smoothing the transition to college for historically underrepresented students.

Dual enrollment [...]

Bringing the Career Advancement Academies to life

CLP conceptualized the CAA framework and worked with the California Community College Chancellor’s Office to launch the statewide initiative, which was designed to provide more structured educational experiences for students [...]

California’s Career Advancement Academies

The Career Advancement Academies enabled underserved Californians – including students who were the first in their families to attend college and students from low-income families or communities of color – [...]

New Report Focuses on Contextualized Teaching and Learning

23 Mar 2016

“Career Advancement Academies (CAAs) have been implemented in colleges across several regions of California and have provided a rich testing ground for more structured and integrated approaches to support student [...]