California continues to advance its commitment to equitable dual enrollment. New legislation introduced by Assembly Member Chris Holden, AB 368, would further refine College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment, removing barriers to college for students from underrepresented groups. AB 368 would clarify that CCAP students can take up to 15 college units per semester, without fees, regardless of location of the college courses (i.e., at the high school or at the college). This would ensure that CCAP students aren’t inadvertently limited to the 11-unit cap that applies to non-CCAP dual enrollment students based on where the course is offered. And, on the administrative side for college staff, it would reduce confusion and greatly simplify the task of making sure that all enrollment provisions and limits are being followed. AB 368 would also require colleges to give CCAP students priority enrollment.
Barriers to students accessing CCAP dual enrollment opportunities were also removed last session through AB 102 (Holden), which went into effect on January 1. This legislation removed the state 10% dual enrollment cap and the original sunset date on the CCAP program, ensuring that dual enrollment opportunities would remain available. It also removed language that prohibited CCAP partnerships from offering college courses that are oversubscribed or have a waiting list. And it further clarified that community schools, juvenile court schools, and adult education programs are included in CCAP, authorizing county offices of education to enter into CCAP agreements.