Dual Enrollment Grant RFAs Open

25 Feb 2025

Dual enrollment grant RFAs are now open for College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) and Middle College/Early College (MCEC). This is the third round of grantmaking to expand or strengthen CCAP and MCEC dual enrollment offered by the California Department of Education (CDE). Applications are due March 31.

CDE announced some changes for the Round 3 RFAs and emphasized that these are one-time grants. Schools that were funded under previous rounds are not eligible to receive additional grant funds. However, an LEA (a school district, charter school or county office of education) could apply for schools that weren’t previously funded. See the RFAs for details.

The dual enrollment grants can serve as an effective complement for LEAs that have received Golden State Pathways Program funding. Golden State Pathways supports K-12 districts and their partners in developing college and career pathways for students in priority sectors or other high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas. It also requires that the pathways provide opportunities to earn at least 12 units of early college credit through CCAP dual enrollment or AP/IB courses.

CLP provides capacity building support for current CCAP grantees. Grantees can sign up for webinars and office hours.