A new report from JUST Equations and WestEd, Multiple Paths Forward: Diversifying Mathematics as a Strategy for Student Success, shows that diversified math pathways have the potential to ease the road to a college degree for tens of thousands of students in California.
Diversifying math pathways in college improves quantitative literacy and shortens students’ routes through college. Together, reforms to streamline students’ progress to transfer-level math and efforts to align course-taking with students’ programs of study have the potential to reduce equity gaps in California.
The report also suggests that diversifying math pathways is integral to larger institutional reform efforts, such as the guided pathways movement.
JUST Equations seeks to re-conceptualize the role of mathematics in ensuring educational opportunities. JUST Equations is a project of The Opportunity Institute, in partnership with LearningWorks, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), The Education Trust West, and The Campaign for College Opportunity. JUST Equations is supported by the James Irvine Foundation and College Futures Foundation.
LearningWorks previously worked with JUST Equations founder Pamela Burdman to publish the policy brief Quantitative Leap, which focused on the need to revamp math policies to better support transitions to and through college.
LearningWorks, a partnership of Career Ladders Project, works to strengthen student achievement in the California Community Colleges.