Applications for state dual enrollment grants are now open. The California Department of Education (CDE) recently released the RFAs for College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) grants and Middle College Early College (MCEC) grants. This funding promises to expand equitable dual enrollment statewide, in keeping with the original intent of CCAP legislation to increase postsecondary attainment among students from groups underrepresented in higher education or who might not consider themselves as college-going. Applicants receiving priority consideration have student populations with higher than average rates of suspension/expulsion or dropping out; higher than average percentages of homeless, foster or justice-involved youth; or a lower than average A-G completion rate.
School districts, county offices of education, and charter schools are eligible to apply. The maximum award amount for MCEC grants is $250,000, and the maximum for CCAP grants is $100,000 per high school site. Districts can apply for multiple high schools, but would need to submit separate CCAP grant applications for each site. For both grant programs, applicants need to supply evidence of an existing or planned partnership with a postsecondary institution for the creation of a dual enrollment program.
In addition to supporting development of new CCAP partnerships, the CCAP RFA clarifies that existing CCAP partnerships can use grant funds to expand or strengthen dual enrollment. Existing dual enrollment CCAP partnerships can use grant funds to:
- expand opportunities by increasing the number of students served under an existing CCAP agreement and adding new high schools within the district not covered by the existing agreement.
- add or strengthen supports for dual enrollment students such as “pupil advising, student success support services, and outreach campaigns to promote dual enrollment. Outreach shall be focused on families and pupils who may not be college bound or who are underrepresented in higher education.”
The MCEC RFA includes similar provisions and states that grant funds can be used to set up a new middle college high school (MCHS) or early college high school (ECHS), to increase the number of students served at an existing MCHS or ECHS, or to add or strengthen supports for students including outreach campaigns to underrepresented student populations. CCEMC is holding a webinar on March 2 from 12 – 1 p.m. providing application assistance and Q&A about the MCEC grant.
The application deadline is March 30, 2023.