CLP is leading two post-conference workshops at the upcoming Strengthening Student Success Conference in Garden Grove. One focuses on equitable counseling and the other on the impact of dual enrollment. Workshops meet on Friday, October 7, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Continental breakfast is included. Register now.
Through An Equity Lens: Redesigning Counseling in the California Community Colleges
Improving the student counseling experience has emerged as a key focus on campuses engaged in Guided Pathways redesign. Colleges have taken varied approaches in rethinking and reimagining counseling. For such efforts to be truly transformative, counseling faculty need to be engaged in meaningful and deep conversations about rethinking counseling through an equity lens. In this post-conference workshop, a panel of counselors and student services administrators will share their redesign stories and how they’ve found a way forward. Join us in this lively session and come ready to consider how your campus might reimagine and strengthen counseling services grounded in equity.
Participant Learning Outcomes
- Identify what it means to center equity in counseling practices.
- Discuss approaches to centering equity in counseling taken by several different colleges and understand key learnings from their redesign processes.
- Consider approaches that align with local efforts and begin to construct action plans for catalyzing change on participants’ own campuses.
Luis Chavez, Cristina Sandoval, and Michelle Simotas, Career Ladders Project; Heather Oshiro, Chabot College; Teresa Aldredge, Cosumnes River College; Wendy Stewart, MiraCosta College; Armando Duran, Pasadena City College; Val Martinez Garcia and Teresa Quilici, West Hills College Lemoore
Dual Enrollment Students: Where Are They Now?
Dual enrollment, which allows a student to enroll in both high school and college at the same time, has long been acknowledged as a powerful acceleration strategy for college completion. National and state research has made a clear and compelling case that students in dual enrollment have strong post-secondary outcomes in terms of degree attainment and time to degree completion and that students of color and low-income students actually gain the most from the experience.
Kern Community College District, home of one of the largest and most diverse dual enrollment programs in the state, has asked “what happened?” to former dual enrollment students. Earlier research at Bakersfield College found that former dual enrollment students were more likely to pass transfer-level math and English, a trend found across all racial and ethnic groups. Has dual enrollment reduced or closed equity gaps? What else can we learn about former dual enrollment students? And where are they now? Join us in a session to learn how we approached these questions and how your college might, too. Bakersfield College and Career Ladders Project colleagues will share the quantitative and qualitative methodologies they utilized in this study. Participants will be invited to bring their available data and will work on a plan to replicate the study so they, too, can discover what positive influences their dual enrollment programs are having on former students.
Participant Learning Outcomes
- Understand the qualitative and quantitative methodologies used in the Kern Community College dual enrollment project that investigated the impact of “early college” opportunities.
- Explore the potential of replicating the Kern Community College dual enrollment project to examine participants’ own college dual enrollment programs with a specific focus on equity in outcomes and success.
- Explore participants’ own data and utilize colleagues in the room as thought partners in planning their own studies.
Kylie Campbell, Craig Hayward, and Sooyeon Kim, Bakersfield College; Naomi Castro and Laurencia Walker, Career Ladders Project