Students who participate in dual enrollment at a community college during high school are more likely to graduate and enter college, and they’re more likely to complete a certificate, degree, or transfer. And the students who are most underrepresented in community colleges — young men of color, students from low-income families, and students who are first in their families to attend college — often benefit the most.
But California has not committed to dual enrollment as a strategy to encourage college completion, and it lags below the national average by several measures. CLP produced a report outlining the situation and recommending steps to move forward.
Career Ladders Project researched the landscape for dual enrollment in California in order to develop recommendations for policy changes that would help colleges, K-12 districts, and students reap its clear benefits. With support from the College Futures Foundation, CLP conducted detailed interviews with practitioners and researchers at 48 of California’s 114 community colleges and then researched six in further detail.