The Aspen Institute and the Community College Research Center have teamed up to release The Dual Enrollment Playbook: A Guide to Equitable Acceleration for Students. They examined nine dual enrollment programs across the country that have narrowed or closed equity gaps for Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander students. The learnings from those partnerships informed the Playbook, which includes principles for advancing equity in high-quality dual enrollment as well as a guide for getting started and a tool to assess practice. The Playbook will prove a valuable resource for dual enrollment practitioners. California readers should take note however, that state laws and regulations governing dual enrollment can vary widely. For example, many states have a GPA requirement which is not allowed in California.
Closer to home, the Orange County Strong Workforce Program Pathways and Early College Credit Regional Scale Up project produced the Orange County Dual Enrollment Handbook. Designed to support strategic implementation of dual enrollment, the Handbook is divided into sections for the Leadership Team, the Implementation Team, Faculty, and Students/Parents. The Handbook offers a process to scale up dual enrollment that is thoughtful and thorough. Case studies and other resources offer clear examples of how to problem solve and implement dual enrollment in the California context.
Resources from CLP
Creating a Dual Enrollment Partnership. Access a range of tools including info sheets, case studies, videos, and presentations on the CLP web site. Resources to help colleges develop and maintain dual enrollment are organized by topic.
Webinars. Learn how other colleges are supporting dual enrollment through the webinar series, Problem Solving: Moving Dual Enrollment Online. The series, which launched mid-March, runs through December. Recordings, presentations, and resources from past webinars are available for download.
Online community of practice. Join other practitioners in CLP’s Dual Enrollment Community of Practice to exchange ideas and stay up-to-date on new developments and resources as they become available. Email Eder Flores to join the virtual community.