What is it?
There need to be benchmark indicators for a community to know if they are improving their transition for students. These measures need to be clear and transparent with joint responsibility for their development and their attainment.
What are the indicators of success?
- Students are informed of community college pathways as a high quality, low cost, local post-secondary option by grade 10 or 11
- Students are aware of matriculation processes to apply, register, enroll and get financial aid
- An increased number of high school graduates are accessing and completing community college certificates, transfer, and degrees in their field of interest
What research supports this work?
Effective Practices for Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College
A Review of Literature with Implications for California Community College Practitioners, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
January 2009
Boroch, Deborah; Hope, Laura
As a follow-up to the initial summary of literature contained in “Basic Skills as a Foundation for Success in California Community Colleges” (Center for Student Success), this report reviews effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature. Appendices include: (1) Examples of Selected Career Academies; (2) Examples of College Transition Programs for Students While Attending High School; and (3) Summer Bridge Programs in Colleges.