Lessons from the Pandemic

Implementing Systemic Changes in Counseling and Student Services

06 Dec 2021

Recordings and resources from the fall 2021 series of six webinars on redesigning student services and implementing systemic changes are available below.

September 15. Successful Student Entry: Addressing & Supporting Student Needs

As colleges “re-open”—returning in-person and via hybrid modalities—they have been reimagining how to provide safe, effective learning and support environments to help students succeed. How are counselors and student services professionals keeping equity and inclusion at the center as they navigate re-opening and beyond? How are they using lessons learned to strengthen student supports and address the multiple impacts of the pandemic on students? What does being flexible in chaos look like? College representatives will share new strategies and approaches they’ve developed to validate and support students in this transition.

Dr. Paul N. De La Cerda, Assistant Superintendent & VP of Instruction, Cabrillo College
Melissa Sakoonphong Counseling & Guidance Coordinator, Guided Pathways Facilitator, Chaffey College
Jose Hernandez Interim Associate Dean of Outreach, Onboarding & Engagement, Santa Monica College

Recording | Slides | Resources

September 29. Social Justice Learning Communities: Lessons from Equity Leaders

Given the impacts of the pandemic, it is essential to provide effective supports and counseling to students—especially students of color and low income students. Equity-grounded counseling has taken on deeper meaning in the current context of the national reckoning on racial justice. Representatives of equity-grounded learning communities are taking advantage of the current moment to meet students where they are—and to center needed support and services to help them stay on their path. Tapping the experiences of equity leaders, we will hear about equitable counseling strategies and practices that have proven successful with students of color. The discussion will include suggestions on lessons and practices that can inform the work of structural change and be applied at scale on campuses.

Dr. Newin Paul Orante, Vice President of Student Services, Skyline College
Byron Reaves, EOPS Counselor and UMOJA Support Staff, Santa Rosa Junior College
Cynthia Cordova, Puente Counselor and Co-Coordinator, Palomar College

Recording | Slides | Resources

October 13. Meeting Human Needs: Exercising Equity in Support Services

Designing student services that equitably meet student needs—such as financial aid, enrollment processes, appropriate counseling and advising—has been a challenge at many colleges. As colleges navigate transitioning back to campus, leading colleges are redrafting plans and piloting practical, evidence-based approaches to ensure that equitable supports are in place that can meet student needs in today’s evolving college environments. Practitioners will share their experiences and examples of centering and ensuring equitable student supports and services. And they will provide education leaders with tools and strategies to generate equitable outcomes for all students.

Martin De Muchas Flores, Associate Dean of Educational Success, Berkeley City College
Armando Duran, Dean of Counseling & Student Services, Pasadena City College

Recording | Slides | Resources

October 27. Serving Undocumented Students Equitably

At a time when members of undocumented communities are grappling with fear and uncertainty, colleges are striving to ensure that campuses will remain safe, welcoming places for people from all backgrounds to learn and be supported in reaching their goals. Colleges are considering how to better tailor their support practices and services to meet the needs of undocumented students. In this webinar, panelists will describe the current landscape facing undocumented populations and how this impacts community college students. They will identify creative practices in serving undocumented students and supporting their success. And they will share available resources that can support the enrollment, retention and success of undocumented students throughout the college system.

Iris Aguilar, Executive Director, Equity & Community Impact, Foundation for Community Colleges

Recording | Slides | Resources

November 10. Making Careers Happen

This session will explore how colleges are working to support students’ career aspirations.  Starting with the understanding that all students need workforce preparation, speakers will highlight equitable career planning and decision-making practices that make sense of educational choices for students—and support them in attaining certificates, degrees and transfer leading to high value careers.

David Turcotte, Career Center Counselor/Coordinator, Los Angeles City College
Derek Majors, Pathway Counselor and GP Faculty Coordinator, Los Angeles Trade Technical College

Recording | Slides | Resources

December 1. Building Technology with Students at the Center

The pandemic has accelerated the use of a wide range of virtual tools and processes by counselors and student services professionals. Who is making the best use of the technology advancements to deliver effective student support services? How are students driving technology design in student supports? Learn about trending practices, effective platforms, and initiatives that bring technology closer to students—and are proving effective in engaging and supporting students in reaching their goals.

Gabriel Martinez, Counselor, Berkeley City College
Valentin Garcia, Vice President of Student Services, West Hills Lemoore

Recording | Slides | Resources

This webinar series is produced by Career Ladders Project with funding from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.