Golden State Pathways Grants Released

30 Jan 2025

Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) grants have been released to the field! Notably, the fiscal timelines have been extended to allow grantees the full implementation period as originally intended—two years for Planning Grants, and five years for Implementation and Consortium Grants.

GSPP supports K-12 districts and their partners in developing college and career pathways for students in priority sectors or other high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas. It also requires that the pathways provide opportunities to earn at least 12 units of early college credit through College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment or AP/IB courses.

grant map

California’s GSPP and dual enrollment grants both provide opportunities to expand pathway-aligned dual enrollment opportunities for students. Two rounds of dual enrollment grant funding for CCAP and Middle College/Early College (MCEC) have been awarded so far, and CDE is expected to announce RFAs for a third round later this year.

To get a picture of the local landscape of GSPP and dual enrollment grantees in your area, check out CLP’s grant map.