News Items

Update on Golden State Pathways

14 Dec 2023

Regional Technical Assistance Centers for the Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) were named last month by the California Department of Education (CDE). The Tulare County Office of Education will serve [...]

Webinar Recording: Embedded Student Supports

11 Dec 2023

High expectations coupled with robust student supports are markers of quality dual enrollment. At the December 5 CCAP webinar, practitioners and students from Berkeley City College and Mendocino College joined [...]

Technical Assistance Office Hours for CCAP Grantees

04 Dec 2023

Monthly office hours are now open for College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment grantees! Starting in January, CLP will be hosting monthly 90-minute office-hour style webinars. You’ll be [...]

Breaking Down Silos for Dual Enrollment

31 Oct 2023

CLP joined the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the California Department of Education (CDE) at a State Dual Enrollment Academy convened by the College in High School Alliance [...]

Resources from CLP Sessions at SSSC

31 Oct 2023

It was great to see everyone at this year’s SSSC. CLP presented three breakout sessions and two post-conference workshops. Access slide decks and resources below.

Equitable Dual Enrollment: [...]