CLP co-presented two breakout sessions at this year’s Strengthening Student Success Conference.
A Community Engagement Approach to Dual Enrollment for Equity
Community engagement increases dual enrollment among minoritized and low-income students. Families have high aspirations for their children and bring an abundance of strengths, including cultural and linguistic assets. Yet they may not have the specific college knowledge to advocate for postsecondary access or know how to support students once in higher education. In this session, we will share a community engagement approach that empowers families to advocate for college access, leading to an increase in dual enrollment. This approach shifts the role of the college in the community from a “reward” or “prize” to a service for the community. Bring your spirit of inquiry as we explore the journey of two colleges as they have worked in partnership with their community, building college knowledge and more equitable access in dual enrollment. View slide presentation.
Presenters: Naomi Castro, Career Ladders Project; Miguel Duenas, East Los Angeles College; and Laurencia Walker, Hartnell College
Counseling and Guided Pathways: Remembering that Guided Pathways is about Guiding Students
Counselors affirm that the core mandate of their work is helping students choose, enter, and stay on their educational path and ensure their learning aligns with guided pathways principles. Counseling with a student-centered focus aims to create a unique, personalized, proactive, and equitable approach. Yet, making systemic improvements to ensure equitable access to services has been challenging. In this session, participants will learn about current research from community college counselors and others implementing innovative counseling practices within a guided pathways framework. This interactive session will allow time for participant engagement and sharing promising practices in making systemic changes to achieve equitable service delivery. View the presentation slides.
Presenters: Luis Chavez, Career Ladders Project; Nikolas Lucio, Fresno City College; Tiffany Welter, Los Medanos College; and Lorraine DeMello, Skyline College