CLP collaborates with colleges and their partners to discover, develop, and disseminate effective practices. Our policy work, research, and direct efforts with colleges lead to system change—and enable more students to attain certificates, degrees, transfers, and career advancement. Here are CLP’s major areas of work and projects—present and past.

Guided Pathways

CLP supports California community colleges as they build their capacity for redesign and they implement institutional change.

Dual Enrollment

Participants in high-quality dual enrollment are more likely to graduate high school, enter college, and reach their college goals.

Transitions to College

Addressing all trajectories to college — from high school, adult education, prison, foster care, homeschooling, and more — is critical for equity in college access and persistence.

Redesigning Student Supports

CLP collaborates with community colleges to reimagine how to support students and smooth their completion of certificates, degrees, and transfers.

Career Pathways Mapping

Clear pathway maps enable students to advance through college more efficiently, attain credentials with labor market value, and reach their goals faster.

Inclusive Design

CLP is developing a process for rooting design in a shared understanding of students’ experience and in the pursuit of collective goals.

Ability to Benefit

CLP is leading an effort to propose ways for California to expand federal aid for adult students without high school diplomas.

After-School Employment

CLP and the California Community College Chancellor’s Office fostered partnerships of after-school employers and colleges to develop high-quality career-oriented programming.

Alternative Schools

Continuation and other alternative high schools are critical access points to college for at-promise youth and should be part of redesign efforts and partnerships.

California Career Pathways Trust

CLP supported several regional CCPT consortia enhancing their use of data and counseling tools to improve support for students. 

Career Advancement Academies

Conceptualized by CLP, the CAA framework provided structured learning communities for students who had faced multiple barriers.

Cloud Computing Pathways

With a consortium of colleges and employers, CLP has supported scaling new career pathways in the emerging field of cloud computing. 

Contextualized Teaching and Learning

Students are more engaged and learn more successfully when curriculum is relevant to daily life and their field of interest.

Cross-System Collaboration

Connecting with other institutions informs and strengthens college practices and can be especially fruitful in smoothing transitions to college.

High-Impact Pathways

CLP supported work under HIP to link progressive levels of education and high-demand skills with the changing needs of students and regional economies. 

Information Communication Technologies

CLP reported on industry labor needs, available education and workforce development offerings, and potential programs to support underrepresented students.

Intersegmental Alignment

Aligning educational institutions to support students equips students to prepare for college, enter a career pathways, and pursue their transfer and career goals.

Linked Learning

This California initiative (CCCLLI) aimed to improve rates of entering and completing college for students of color and low-income students by strengthening connections between high schools and community colleges. 


Clear pathways to college and career provide critical support for students in their transition into successful careers. Early access and exposure to sector-based pathways supports students in setting goals and choosing a program of study.

Transitions to College

Addressing all trajectories to college — from high school, adult education, prison, foster care, homeschooling, and more — is critical for equity in college access and persistence.