A new CLP publication, Student Success Teams at Santa Ana College, highlights the college’s work to develop success teams including their use of student-centered design and equity-minded approaches. Last year, SAC started with one pilot success team and has since expanded the effort to all eight of their Career and Academic Pathways, the college’s form of meta-majors. The case study is accompanied by a set of tools that addresses key steps in developing success teams: exploring the framework, building your success team, and assessing the impact. Each tool contains resources, activity suggestions, and discussion questions.
One of the cornerstones of SAC’s work with success teams has been connecting to students. Counselors and coaches went to classes, gave presentations, and developed one-on-one relationships with students. Team members knew students’ names and programs of study and made themselves available for appointments outside of class to answer questions or complete Ed Plans. “We not only supported students in their college and career needs in the Career and Academic Pathway but in their academic and social/emotional needs too,” noted Sara Vu, Student Services Coordinator and Student Success Coach.
Produced by CLP with funding from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.