Dual enrollment grant RFAs are now open for College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) and Middle College/Early College (MCEC). This is the third round of grantmaking to expand or strengthen [...]
News Items
Culturally Responsive Dual Enrollment: A Pilot Course for Instructors
Help shape the future of course instruction in dual enrollment! We need your insight as the first professional cohort to test the content of a new course in culturally responsive [...]
Guiding Futures: Elevating Student-Centered Counseling and Support
CLP and Riverside City College are hosting a one-day regional convening focused on advancing equity-driven practices in counseling and student support services.
Choose from breakout sessions in three [...]
Golden State Pathways Grants Released
Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) grants have been released to the field! Notably, the fiscal timelines have been extended to allow grantees the full implementation period as originally intended—two years [...]
Governor Proposes Support for Pathways and Dual Enrollment
Continued support for dual enrollment and college and career pathways is reflected in the governor’s 2025-26 budget and proposed new Master Plan for Career Education. Governor Newsom’s January budget summary [...]
California Expands Financial Aid Access for Adults without HS Diplomas
Community colleges will soon be able to expand access to federal financial aid for adult learners without a high school diploma or equivalency. The Governor’s Office and the California Community [...]
AB 359 Dual Enrollment Legislation Advances
Major legislation supporting expansion of equitable dual enrollment is now with the Governor to sign or veto by the end of the month. The bill, AB 359 (Holden), builds on [...]
Capacity-building Support for CCAP Grantees
Register now for CLP virtual workshops and office hours on design and implementation issues in dual enrollment. These are intended for partnerships that received 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 state grants to [...]