Following the passage of Proposition 49, California made a major commitment to after-school programming; and the availability of After School Education and Safety (ASES) funds led to a surge in [...]
Cross-System Collaboration
CCSF-Laney Regional Collaborative Program for AV Technologist Certificate
In June 2016, InfoComm invited California community colleges and K-12 districts to an education session at its annual trade show in Las Vegas to introduce educators to its Certified Technology [...]
K-16 Transitions in a Guided Pathways Framework
An overview of three essential components of transition strategies
What connection means: K-12 schools and districts, community colleges, four-year institutions, employers, and community organizations connect through collective [...]
CLP director Naomi Castro awarded policy fellowship
CLP director Naomi Castro was chosen as a fellow in the 2019 cohort of the California Education Policy Fellowship Program.
The fellowship gives participants the opportunity to develop [...]
Case Study: Bridging High School, College and Industry for Students in a Career Academy
In a new report, Bridging High School, College, and Industry: A Case Study and Lessons for the Field, CLP highlights successes achieved and lessons learned by a unique partnership centered [...]
Opening Doors to the Tech Industry: The LA HI-TECH/Snap Inc. Case Study
Los Angeles High Impact Information Technology, Entertainment & Entrepreneurship, Communications Hubs (LA HI-TECH)is a consortium of eight community colleges, including Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles [...]
Big Ideas in Workforce Innovation: A Three-Part Series
The California Workforce Development Board (State Board) has released a three-part series, Big Ideas in Workforce Innovation. The Career Ladders Project documented emerging lessons from key State Board initiatives that promote creative [...]
Building Bridges to College and Careers Through Public Education and Workforce System Collaboration
Lessons from California’s Youth Manufacturing Skills Pilot
In 2013, the California Workforce Development Board (State Board) granted funds to four partnerships of local workforce development boards (Local Boards) and [...]