Their Approach
Santa Rosa Junior College’s Office of Institutional Research set out to create a self-service data culture across the college in order to democratize data-driven decision-making. College researchers [...]
Aligning Redesign Across Campus: Bakersfield College
Their Approach
Bakersfield College, facing low college attainment in its region, wanted to bring more students into higher education and support students more effectively so that more achieve their [...]
Aligning Redesign Across Campus: West Hills College Lemoore
Their Approach
To make significant strides in closing achievement gaps, West Hills College Lemoore (WHCL) needed a North Star that integrated all efforts at the college around specific student [...]
Designing with Careers in Mind: Lake Tahoe Community College
Their Approach
A streamlined schedule with reliable course offerings and clear pathways is key to student success and career advancement. Recognizing this, Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) aimed to [...]
Designing with Careers in Mind: Santa Monica College
Their Approach
Santa Monica College (SMC) has a history of supporting the Career Services Center. With this in mind, a cross-functional team — which included students — was put [...]
Post-Webinar Plática: Q&A with Lupe Dannels from Diablo Valley College
* Plática = talk, or chat
CLP hosted a series of webinars to support student services faculty, staff, and administrators at community colleges across California as they re-orient to [...]
Post-Webinar Plática: Q&A with Derek Majors of Los Angeles Trade Tech College
* Plática = talk, or chat
CLP hosted a series of webinars to support student services faculty, staff, and administrators at community colleges across California as they re-orient to [...]
Post-Webinar Plática: Q&A with Rebecca LaCount of Solano College
* Plática = talk, or chat
CLP hosted a series of webinars to support student services faculty, staff, and administrators at community colleges across California as they re-orient to [...]