Career pathways maps perform three main functions: They clarify and align programs and services; they link increasing levels of certification, education, and employment; and they support students in choosing among the opportunities that interest them. This toolkit is for community colleges, their K-12 partners, and—ideally—four-year institutions to use in mapping strong, seamless career pathways. Clear career pathways maps enable more students to advance through college, attain credentials with labor market value, and earn wages that sustain their families.
5 suggested steps in career pathways mapping
Step 1: Pre-mapping work, project launch and leadership meeting
Step 2: Pre-mapping work, K-12 and college planning meeting
Step 3: Pre-mapping work, continuing preparation for mapping session
Step 4: Facilitated mapping session, planning next steps, 3 hours
Step 5: Post-mapping work
Pathway Map Examples
Advanced Manufacturing
Chabot College
Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering
Peralta CCD: College of Alameda & Laney College
Skyline College
Berkeley City College
Child Development and Family Studies
City College of San Francisco
Computer Science
Diablo Valley College
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Studies
City College of San Francisco
Transportation and Logistics
Merritt College
Toolkit authors | Amal Amanda Issa and Lindsay Anglin