With $500 million in funding for Golden State Pathways and $200 million for Dual Enrollment, California is making a once-in-a-lifetime investment in students and our shared future prosperity. But ensuring [...]
Cross-System Collaboration
Foster Youth Transitions: Riverside City College
The Begining
In 2014, Riverside City College (RCC) used Student Equity funds and a grant from the Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation (AJPFF) to develop the Guardian Scholars [...]
Student Success Teams at Santa Ana College: Student Support Case Study and Tools
The Beginning
Santa Ana College (SAC) set out to develop success teams that would improve college communication with students and also improve communication between offices and services. The Guided [...]
Equity Walk at Compton College: Resources
CLP worked in partnership with Compton College to develop a digital equity walk based on Fullerton College’s campus equity walk, an exercise to gain insight into how students experience the [...]
Equity Walk at Compton College: Student-centered Redesign Case Study and Tool
Compton College learned about the equity walk, an exercise to experience the virtual or physical campus from a student’s perspective, from the Guided Pathways Regional Coordinator who [...]
Dual Enrollment for Equitable Completion: Webinar Series Concludes and New Project Launches
CLP’s monthly dual enrollment problem-solving webinar series concludes this week with a focus on dual enrollment integrated with guided pathways redesign. Since the first webinar in late March shortly after [...]
COLEGAS Builds Community to Support Latinx Student Success
The COLEGAS webinar series on issues, challenges, and effective approaches for supporting Latinx student success was very popular and well-received. “Thank you so much for creating the space for Latinx [...]
CA Cloud Workforce Project Reaches Students Through Virtual Events
Did you know that cloud computing has been the number one job category posted on LinkedIn for five years running? Cloud computing has upended business practices in industry after industry [...]