Lessons from California’s Career Advancement Academies
The Career Advancement Academies at more than 30 California community colleges offered concrete examples of how to ensure equity for all students, and [...]
How Georgia State Reforms Closed Racial and Ethnic Completion Gaps: it Can be Done
Two leaders from Georgia State University came to Long Beach on Nov. 15 to talk about reforms that are credited with raising graduation rates campuswide above 75%. In fact, Latinx [...]
The Dual Enrollment Landscape in California
A CLP Working Paper
Multiple studies have shown that students who participate in high-quality dual enrollment programs during high school are more likely to graduate, enter college, and persist [...]
Strengthening Student Success Presentations – Fall 2018
Presentations from 2018 Strengthening Student Success are now available
Career Ladders Project staffers presented on Guided Pathways implementation, the Dual Enrollment Game, re-entry programs for students who have been [...]
Guided Pathways as a Framework for Integrating Student Success Efforts
A Case Study as a Framework for Integrating Student Success Efforts
The purpose of this Brief is to explore how Guided Pathways can unify different initiatives by providing an [...]
A Case Study of Three California Community Colleges
A new CLP brief explores how colleges can use Guided Pathways to bring together innovation, people, and resources across initiatives. It highlights the stories of three California community colleges that [...]
Exploring Alternative High School and Community College Partnerships
In recent years, California has made important investments to aid public high schools and community colleges to improve studentsā transitions to and through postsecondary education, with a specific emphasis on [...]
Strengthening Student Success Presentations – 2017
Presentations from the 2017Ā Strengthening Student Success conference are now available.
SSSC – CLP Breakout Sessions
Wednesday, October 11
Guided Pathways: A Framework for Integrating College Plans