Career Ladders Project (CLP) works closely with the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) and the three SMCCCD colleges, Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College, to [...]
Transitions to College
Webinar Series: Quantitative Leap How Math Policies Can Support Transitions To and Through College
Quantitative Leap: Webinar 4
Seizing Twelfth Grade to Improve Math Readiness: Senior-Year Transition Courses
Faced with high proportions of students needing remedial math courses in college, education systems [...]
Dual Enrollment Toolkit
A resource for secondary school and community college partners, the Dual Enrollment Toolkit highlights promising practices for smoothing the transition to college for historically underrepresented students.
Dual enrollment [...]
Collaborate to Improve Students’ Transitions to College
Career Ladders Project created tools and guides to help K-12 and community college leaders, faculty, and staff collaborate to improve students’ transitions to college. These online tools aid in diagnosing [...]
Indicators of Success of Effective Transition Services
What is it?
There need to be benchmark indicators for a community to know if they are improving their transition for students. These measures need to be clear and [...]
Early College Experiences and Transition Support
What is it?
The research is clear; early exposure to college and career options is good for students. When students have access to early programs they are more likely [...]
Leadership Engagement
What is it?
When K-12, community college, and municipal leadership is committed and engaged in improving K-12 to college transition, students benefit. Without their guidance and focus, systems tend [...]
System Wide Data Sharing
What is it?
System-wide data sharing is a critical component to building a strong K-12 and community college partnership. Without good information, organizations cannot understand their transition challenges or [...]