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Moving Toward Equitable Counseling: Action Planning to Support Colleges in Developing a Transformative Counseling Experience for Students

Garden Grove, CA

In this SSSC post-conference workshop, participants will hear from counselors, student services staff, and managers across the state who are embarking on establishing a vision and plan for equitable counseling. Career Ladders Project set out to learn ways counselors are pivoting to provide more equitable counseling experiences for students and what barriers they are finding […]

Improving District Policy and Process via Practitioner Promising Practices for Equitable Dual Enrollment

Garden Grove, CA

Join this SSSC breakout session to learn how San Bernardino Community College District (SBCCD) is taking a multi-faceted approach to improving equitable dual enrollment. From analyzing and updating local policy to leveraging the expertise of their local college personnel engaged in the day-to-day practices, SBCCD has developed a strategic approach to expanding equitable access starting […]

Delivering Equitable Counseling

Garden Grove, CA

SSSC breakout session description: With systemic barriers to success and completion persisting, Career Ladders Project (CLP) set out to learn ways counselors are pivoting to provide more equitable counseling experiences for students and what barriers they are finding as they work to implement equitable counseling practices. This workshop will engage participants in these findings and […]

Promising Practices in Dual Enrollment

Join CLP and special guests from Long Beach City College, Long Beach Unified School District, Mendocino College, and Fort Bragg High School as they share promising practices from their College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment partnerships. This interactive session will include ideas for increasing access and success within your programs. Attendees will also […]

Designing Equitable Career-Connected Accelerated Pathways with Hispanic Serving Institutions

CLP and East Los Angeles College will join Education Design Lab and practitioners from Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) to share what we've learned about designing career-connected, dual enrollment pathways in a webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). During the session, panelists will: Share insights, effective […]

Dual Enrollment and Wrap-Around Counseling and Support Services

The ASCCC and CLP are collaborating to highlight faculty-led and faculty-supported dual enrollment practices that embed wrap-around counseling and support services for dual enrollment students. The emphasis of this webinar will be to elevate practitioner voice in the development and implementation of innovative practices.

Supporting Black Students and Marginalized Learners in Dual Enrollment

Oakland, CA

CLP will be presenting at the Ed Equity Forum 2024: Authenticity & Action. Session Description: Dual enrollment can serve as a powerful lever for racial equity in access and achievement in higher education. Early exposure to college and career pathways is particularly important for underserved students including African American students and other marginalized student groups. […]

Using Data to Identify Access Gaps in Dual Enrollment

Oakland, CA

CLP will be presenting at the Ed Equity Forum 2024: Authenticity & Action. Session Description: Want to know which students are participating in your dual enrollment program and which ones are not? Learn how Ed Trust—West’s Jumpstart! report and resources and Career Ladders Project’s Dual Enrollment Access Gap Tool can help your team identify and […]

Virtual Office Hours for CCAP Dual Enrollment Grantees

Bi-monthly office hours are open for College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) dual enrollment grantees! Drop in virtually to ask questions and talk through challenges and approaches to providing more equitable dual enrollment. Virtual office hours are staffed by dual enrollment experts who can support you in deciphering Education Code, navigating the intricacies of high […]

Centering the Community: Working with Community Based Organizations and Dual Enrollment

Burlingame, CA

Join the CLP session at the California Coalition of Early and Middle Colleges (CCEMC) Dual Enrollment Summit. Session description: Working with community-based organizations is an equitable approach to increasing access and success in dual enrollment. East LA College has demonstrated an intentional commitment to community-based organizations like the Salvadoran American Leadership Educational Fund (SALEF) and […]

Reimagining High School: Pathways to Success for All Students

Washington D.C.

This JFF Horizons Conference breakout session includes CLP Executive Director Linda Collins. Session Description: Each year, over 3 million students in the US graduate from high school, yet fewer are choosing college and a high school diploma alone is no longer a ticket to a high-value career. Join a panel of practitioners and policy makers […]

Dual Enrollment as a Lever to Advance Equity in College Access and Success

San Diego, CA

CLP will be co-presenting with EdTrust–West at the California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators (CALSA) Summer Institute in San Diego. Session description: California’s dual enrollment landscape is rapidly evolving. The past four years (and particularly the last two) brought a number of opportunities and perspectives including Chancellor Christian’s vision 2030, legislative updates for College […]