The Beginning
Jam began in 2006 as a two-week workshop intended to ease first-year students’ math anxiety. It was funded by an Irvine Foundation grant (through SSPIRE) for three [...]
Promise Scholars: A CUNY ASAP Replication: Skyline College
The Beginning
In order to address the roughly 50% loss of incoming students between their first Fall and Spring semesters, the Student Services Office at Skyline College launched the [...]
Supporting Students from a Distance: West Hills College Lemoore
Their Approach
While West Hills College Lemoore (WHCL) is determined to stay focused on increasing student completion, their “North Star,” the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shift in how WHCL [...]
Supporting Students from a Distance: Sierra College
Their Approach
As Sierra College took steps to serve its students during the sudden pandemic and shelter in place orders, the innovations of the Guided Pathways (GP) redesign enabled [...]
Reimagining Student Supports: Bakersfield College
The Beginning
At the start of Guided Pathways implementation in 2015, Bakersfield College (BC) noted that students were obtaining most of their information about academic requirements from other students [...]
Mapping Programs and Meta-Majors: Mt. San Antonio College
Their Approach
Mt. San Antonio College approached designing and implementing meta-majors as an iterative process with the goal of easing students’ struggles in finding and choosing a major. Instructional [...]
Mapping Programs and Meta-Majors: Skyline College
Their Approach
Based on a core belief that Skyline College’s meta-majors need to be livable, breathable, and flexible, the college’s design team started by creating design principles for all [...]
Post-Webinar Plática: Q&A with Deputy Chancellor Daisy Gonzales, Ph.D.
* Plática = talk, or chat
CLP hosted a series of webinars to support student services faculty, staff, and administrators at community colleges across California as they re-orient to [...]