Guided Pathways

College Students and Career Choices – A Brief Video

27 May 2020

CLP has produced a brief video featuring Dr. Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, professor of education and the associate dean of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UCLA’s Graduate School of Education and Information [...]

Reimagining Student Supports: Bakersfield College

The Beginning
At the start of Guided Pathways implementation in 2015, Bakersfield College (BC) noted that students were obtaining most of their information about academic requirements from other students [...]

Mapping Programs and Meta-Majors: Skyline College

Their Approach
Based on a core belief that Skyline College’s meta-majors need to be livable, breathable, and flexible, the college’s design team started by creating design principles for all [...]

K-16 Transitions in a Guided Pathways Framework

An overview of three essential components of transition strategies
What connection means: K-12 schools and districts, community colleges, four-year institutions, employers, and community organizations connect through collective [...]