Practitioners from colleges across the state convened virtually on November 13 and 20 for Redesigning with Equity and Careers in Mind, a two-part series of GP workshops focused on strategies [...]
Guided Pathways
New Case Study and Tools for Developing Success Teams
A new CLP publication, Student Success Teams at Santa Ana College, highlights the college’s work to develop success teams including their use of student-centered design and equity-minded approaches. Last year, SAC [...]
Breakout Sessions for Nov 20 GP Workshop: Redesigning with Equity and Careers in Mind
The second GP workshop convenes on November 20 from 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. and focuses on strategies and evidence-based practices that colleges are using to remove barriers to equitable student enrollment [...]
CBE Case Study and Discussion Guide: Focus on LA Trade Tech
What do you do when previous change efforts fail to move the needle on success metrics? Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC) took action, this time working backwards from specific [...]
Register for GP Workshops: Redesigning with Equity and Careers in Mind
Registration is open for the next, free CLP guided pathways workshop webinars on November 13 and 20 from 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. This is a two-part series of workshops with a [...]
How Two Colleges Brought Learning Community Practices to Guided Pathways Redesign
This year’s Strengthening Student Success Conference is unrolling virtually each Friday in October. The conference underscores the continuing equity imperative for redesign. CLP and LearningWorks are partnering with 3CSN and [...]
Competency-based Education at LATTC: CBE Case Study and Discussion Guide, October 2020
Los Angeles Trade Technical College’s Journey
The Beginning
Jess Guerra, Chair of the School of Advanced Transportation and Manufacturing, was instrumental in leading the redesign of pathways at [...]
Online Guided Pathways Design Guide Now Available
Career Ladders Project has launched an online Guided Pathways Design Guide for Integrating Student Supports into the community college student’s journey. The team has spent the last year researching and interviewing college [...]