News Items

CLP Case Study: Opening Doors to the Tech Industry

28 Jun 2018

Work-based learning is a key strategy for increasing student success, particularly for historically underserved student groups. But it can be hard for educators and employers to find each other and [...]

NCCPA Newsletter October 2017 Education Spotlight

13 Oct 2017

Mendocino Lake Adult and Career Education (MLACE) and CLP held a Curriculum to Career Summit in Ukiah on Oct. 6 with the goal of mapping pathways from adult education programs [...]

Strengthening Student Success Presentations – 2017

10 Oct 2017

Presentations from the 2017 Strengthening Student Success conference are now available.
SSSC – CLP Breakout Sessions
Wednesday, October 11
Guided Pathways: A Framework for Integrating College Plans

Big Ideas in Workforce Innovation: A Three-Part Series

02 Aug 2017

The California Workforce Development Board (State Board) has released a three-part series, Big Ideas in Workforce Innovation, created by Career Ladders Project.

CLP documented emerging lessons from key State [...]

CLP presents on Guided Pathways at AACC Convention

17 Apr 2017

Kris Palmer, a senior director at Career Ladders Project, presented on Guided Pathways at the 97th annual American Association of Community Colleges convention in New Orleans on April 23.