More than 300 practitioners from community colleges across California gathered in Bakersfield on Nov. 15 to learn about and explore intentional, supported pathways as a strategy for equity.
News Items
CLP Develops Design Thinking for the Community College Context
Education leaders are increasingly turning to design thinking as a method for re-envisioning their work and reform practices and for tackling the knottiest challenges on their campuses. Career Ladders Project [...]
CLP Presentations at SSSC Offer New Ways to Explore and Approach Redesign
Many community college practitioners across California look forward all year to recharging during the Strengthening Student Success Conference. Each year, we return home energized and full of new information and [...]
Evidence Supports Dual Enrollment as a Strategy for Equity
Career Ladders Project promotes dual enrollment as a strategy for equity — measured by course and degree completion, achievement in high school and college, and other indicators — for subgroups [...]
School testing bill would have been ‘a giant step backward’
update – Oct. 14, 2019
We were glad to see Gov. Gavin Newsom veto AB 751 over the weekend, saying that allowing use of the SAT and ACT in [...]
“It Takes a Community College:” See You at SSSC!
At the Strengthening Student Success Conference this week in Burlingame, CLP and others will highlight transformative work under way at colleges across California on closing achievement gaps and advancing student [...]
Colleges Share Counseling and Student Services Practices at GP Workshop
More than 250 community college practitioners from across California gathered Sept. 27 in Fresno for this academic year’s first Guided Pathways workshop about promising approaches to reimagining counseling and student [...]
CLP director Naomi Castro awarded policy fellowship
CLP director Naomi Castro was chosen as a fellow in the 2019 cohort of the California Education Policy Fellowship Program.
The fellowship gives participants the opportunity to develop [...]