The California Workforce Development Board (State Board) has released a three-part series, Big Ideas in Workforce Innovation, created by Career Ladders Project.
CLP documented emerging lessons from key State [...]
News Items
CLP presents on Guided Pathways at AACC Convention
Kris Palmer, a senior director at Career Ladders Project, presented on Guided Pathways at the 97th annual American Association of Community Colleges convention in New Orleans on April 23.
Health Career Pathways at California Community Colleges
Linda Collins, executive director of Career Ladders Project, joined a panel discussion on Dec. 1 about health career pathways at California’s community colleges. Hosted by the Public Policy Institute of [...]
Webinar Series: Quantitative Leap How Math Policies Can Support Transitions To and Through College
Quantitative Leap: Webinar 4
Seizing Twelfth Grade to Improve Math Readiness: Senior-Year Transition Courses
Faced with high proportions of students needing remedial math courses in college, education systems [...]
Lessons from California’s Youth Manufacturing Skills Pilot
“Through the Youth Manufacturing Skills Pilot (YMSP), the [California Workforce Development Board] proposed to build upon and elevate promising models such as the [Career Advancement Academies]… to a heightened level [...]
New Brief from LearningWorks Calls for Alignment and Coherence
“Misalignment and policy incoherence can place needless obstacles in students’ way. Disjointed pathways create barriers to college access and completion, costing students and the state both time and money. The [...]
New Report Focuses on Contextualized Teaching and Learning
“Career Advancement Academies (CAAs) have been implemented in colleges across several regions of California and have provided a rich testing ground for more structured and integrated approaches to support student [...]
What is the Economic Value of Community College Degrees and Certificates?
In a blog article recently posted to PACE’s website, CLP’s Director of Research Mina Dadgar synthesized her recent study conducted in collaboration with Madeline Joy Trimble of Columbia University. By analyzing [...]