
Linking After-School Employment with Careers

Following the passage of Proposition 49, California made a major commitment to after-school programming; and the availability of After School Education and Safety (ASES) funds led to a surge in [...]

Information Communications Technologies and the ICT Study

CLP developed an ICT report on labor needs based on information from industry partners and education and workforce development organizations. It highlighted employer and labor market data to understand industry pipelines [...]

California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT)

The California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT), created in 2014, funded regional consortia across California to collaborate to align education systems and improve onramps and transitions to college and careers and [...]

Community College Pathways for Former Foster Youth

Community College Pathways for Foster Youth (CCP) was a statewide initiative designed to improve college and career outcomes for former foster youth at 11 California community colleges. It linked community [...]

Adult education and contextualized teaching

When Adult Education Block Grants were created in 2013, Career Ladders Project began working with a number of regional consortia across California, supporting their research and  strategic planning and then assisting [...]

What is pathway mapping and why do we do it?

Pathway mapping is an opportunity for leaders and faculty to work collaboratively as a cross organizational Community of Practice as they sequence, align, and strengthen pathways.

Teams map [...]