Equity Walk at Compton College: Resources

CLP worked in partnership with Compton College to develop a digital equity walk based on Fullerton College’s campus equity walk, an exercise to gain insight into how students experience the [...]

New Case Study and Tools for Developing Success Teams

A new CLP publication, Student Success Teams at Santa Ana College, highlights the college’s work to develop success teams including their use of student-centered design and equity-minded approaches. Last year, SAC [...]

Student Supports Pláticas

CLP hosted a series of webinars in spring 2020 to support student services faculty, staff, and administrators at community colleges across California as they re-oriented to providing services completely online [...]

Dual Enrollment Snapshots

Students who participate in high-quality dual enrollment during high school are more likely to graduate, enter college, and persist in college to completion than their peers who don’t. Some studies [...]

Stories from the Field: Guided Pathways

Career Ladders Project offers stories illustrating how California community colleges are redesigning their programs and structures. Each college faces different challenges and opportunities, depending on a variety of factors. College [...]

Examples of Guided Pathways Redesign

Career Ladders Project supports the inquiry, design, implementation, and assessment of Guided Pathways in California community colleges. To build capacity for evidence-based institutional redesign, focused on equity, we collaborate with [...]

Career Pathways Mapping Toolkit

Career pathways maps perform three main functions: They clarify and align programs and services; they link increasing levels of certification, education, and employment; and they support students in choosing among [...]