High Impact Pathways
HIP is a CLP-guided approach that helps connect progressive levels of education to prepare students for success in both college and career. The pathways framework links systems [...]
Pathways Generally
CCSF-Laney Regional Collaborative Program for AV Technologist Certificate
In June 2016, InfoComm invited California community colleges and K-12 districts to an education session at its annual trade show in Las Vegas to introduce educators to its Certified Technology [...]
CLP’s Linda Collins discusses role of California community colleges at Legislative summit
Speaking at a legislative forum hosted by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon in Sacramento about overcoming challenges to California’s continued growth and economic prosperity, Linda Collins, founder and executive director of [...]
Bakersfield Symposium Highlights Concerns – and Solutions – Related to College Access and Equity
More than 300 practitioners from community colleges across California gathered in Bakersfield on Nov. 15 to learn about and explore intentional, supported pathways as a strategy for equity.
CLP Presentations at SSSC Offer New Ways to Explore and Approach Redesign
Many community college practitioners across California look forward all year to recharging during the Strengthening Student Success Conference. Each year, we return home energized and full of new information and [...]
How Georgia State Reforms Closed Racial and Ethnic Completion Gaps: it Can be Done
Two leaders from Georgia State University came to Long Beach on Nov. 15 to talk about reforms that are credited with raising graduation rates campuswide above 75%. In fact, Latinx [...]
Strengthening Student Success Presentations – Fall 2018
Presentations from 2018 Strengthening Student Success are now available
Career Ladders Project staffers presented on Guided Pathways implementation, the Dual Enrollment Game, re-entry programs for students who have been [...]
Reedley College: Integrating Dual Enrollment with Pathways
Pathways at Reedley College in the Central Valley take various forms. There’s a Middle College High School on its campus; a longstanding partnership with the local Regional Occupational Program (ROP); [...]